Comedy Related Blog Post Archives Montreal Comedy Club in the Heart of Downtown Montreal. Professional Montreal Comedy Shows Performed in English. Live Stand Up Shows at Comedy Club Montreal. Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:00:17 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Crafting a Joke: The Art and Science Behind Comedy Writing Tue, 03 Sep 2024 23:00:17 +0000 Ever wondered why some jokes make people burst out laughing while others get nothing but awkward silence? It’s not just about being funny—there’s a real art and science to comedy writing and crafting a joke that lands.

The post Crafting a Joke: The Art and Science Behind Comedy Writing appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

Ever wondered why some jokes make people burst out laughing while others get nothing but awkward silence? It’s not just about being funny—there’s a real art and science to comedy writing and crafting a joke that lands. These days, comedy is everywhere, from Netflix specials to viral TikToks, and there’s never been a better time to dive into what makes humour tick. Whether you’re thinking about hitting the stage yourself or just want to up your joke game with friends, getting a handle on the basics of joke writing can make all the difference.

The Importance of a Good Joke

Let’s face it—a good joke can do wonders. It can break the ice on a first date, lighten the mood in a tense meeting, or make you the life of the party. But it’s more than just about getting a laugh. A well-timed, well-crafted joke can stick with people, make them think, or even change the way they see something. So, yeah, mastering the art of joke writing? Totally worth it.

Understanding the Basics of Comedy

So, what actually makes something funny? It’s one of those questions that doesn’t have a single answer, but a big part of it comes down to surprise. Comedy often plays with our expectations—setting us up to think one thing, then flipping the script in a way that catches us off guard. When it’s done right, that twist hits you with an “aha!” moment that’s almost impossible not to laugh at. Think of it like a mental magic trick that leaves you wondering, “How did they do that?”

The Structure of a Joke

Setup and Punchline

At the heart of most jokes is a simple structure: setup and punchline. The setup is where you lay down the foundation—giving your audience just enough to get them on board. Then comes the punchline, where you pull the rug out from under them. The timing here is everything. Hit the punchline too soon, and it won’t land; wait too long, and you might lose your audience’s interest.

Tags and Callbacks

Once you’ve got the hang of setup and punchline, you can start playing around with tags and callbacks. Tags are those little extra punchlines that keep the laughter going after the initial joke. Callbacks are even cooler—they’re references to jokes you made earlier in your set, which ties everything together and makes the audience feel like they’re in on something special.

Finding Your Unique Comedy Voice

Every comedian has their own voice—that thing that makes their humour distinctly theirs. It’s not just about what you find funny; it’s about how you express it. Some comedians excel at observational humour, like noticing the weird quirks of everyday life, while others might dive into dark or absurd humour. Finding your voice is about experimenting until you find what feels most like “you.” Authenticity is huge here—people can tell when you’re being real, and that’s what they connect with.

The Writing Process

Brainstorming Ideas

When it comes to writing jokes, the first step is just letting your mind run wild. Brainstorming is where you throw everything at the wall—observations, weird thoughts, random ideas—and see what sticks. Don’t worry about whether it’s funny at this stage; just get it out there. Sometimes the best jokes come from the most unexpected places.

Editing and Refining

After you’ve got a bunch of ideas, it’s time to start shaping them into actual jokes. This is where editing comes in. You want to trim the fat, sharpen the punchline, and make sure the setup flows naturally. Think of it like polishing a gem—you’re cutting away the rough edges to reveal something that really shines.

Testing Material

No joke is truly finished until you’ve tested it in front of an audience. Whether it’s at an open mic, with friends, or even on social media, getting feedback is key. Pay attention to what gets laughs and what doesn’t, and be ready to tweak your material based on how people react. And remember—comedy is subjective. Not every joke will land with every crowd, so be flexible and willing to adjust.

Incorporating Storytelling in Comedy

Sometimes, a quick joke isn’t enough, and you want to take your audience on a bit of a journey. That’s where storytelling comes in. A great story can draw people in, make them feel something, and then hit them with a punchline that’s all the more powerful because they’ve been along for the ride. The trick is balancing the story with the humour—too much narrative, and you might lose people; too little, and the punchline doesn’t have the impact you want.

Timing and Delivery

In comedy, timing isn’t just important—it’s everything. You can have the funniest joke in the world, but if your delivery is off, it can fall flat. Timing is about pacing, knowing when to speed up or slow down, and sometimes, it’s about knowing when to pause and let the audience catch up. It’s something you get a feel for the more you perform, and it can make all the difference between a joke that kills and one that bombs.

Common Pitfalls in Joke Writing

Overcomplicating the Joke

One of the easiest traps to fall into is overcomplicating your jokes. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to be clever that we add too many layers or twists, and the joke ends up losing its punch. Simplicity often works best—a clear, straightforward joke usually hits harder than something that makes the audience think too much.

Misjudging the Audience

Another common pitfall is not tailoring your material to your audience. A joke that’s hilarious at a college party might bomb at a corporate gig. It’s important to know your audience and adjust your material accordingly. Understanding what they’ll relate to, and what might go over their heads (or be offensive), is key to making sure your jokes land.

Using Current Events and Observations

Topical humour—jokes about what’s happening in the world right now—can be a great way to connect with your audience. It shows you’re paying attention and that your material is fresh. But there’s a downside: these jokes can have a short shelf life. What’s funny today might be old news tomorrow. The trick is to mix in some timeless material that will work no matter when or where you tell it.

Collaboration and Feedback

Comedy writing doesn’t have to be a solo effort. In fact, working with others can be one of the best ways to improve your material. Whether it’s bouncing ideas off a friend, joining a writing group, or just getting feedback from fellow comedians, collaboration can help you see your jokes from new angles and refine them into something even better. And don’t be afraid of constructive criticism—it’s a crucial part of growing as a comedian.

The Role of Practice in Comedy

Like anything worth doing, comedy takes practice. The more you write and perform, the better you’ll get. Even when a joke bombs, it’s a learning experience that helps you refine your craft. So keep at it, try out new material, and don’t be afraid to fail. Every time you step on stage or share a joke, you’re getting closer to mastering the art of comedy.

Case Studies of Successful Comedians

If you’re looking for inspiration, studying successful comedians can be incredibly helpful. Take Jerry Seinfeld, for example—his observational humour is legendary, making the mundane moments of life hilarious. Or look at Sarah Silverman, who manages to mix edgy, dark humour with an almost innocent delivery. Watching how these pros craft and deliver their jokes can give you insights into your own comedy style. But remember, it’s about learning, not copying—your voice should always be uniquely yours.

The Business Side of Comedy Writing

Writing jokes isn’t just for stand-up—it’s a skill that can open doors in all kinds of creative fields, from writing for TV and movies to creating viral content online. Understanding the business side of comedy writing, like how to pitch your ideas or even make money from your jokes, can help you turn your passion into a career. So, whether you’re aiming to be the next big stand-up star or just want to write killer one-liners, knowing the business side is just as important as nailing the punchlines.

Conclusion of Comedy Writing

Crafting a joke might seem simple, but it’s a blend of creativity, technique, and a deep understanding of what makes people laugh. By mastering the basics, finding your unique comedic voice, and constantly refining your material, you can create humour that really resonates with your audience. But above all, remember that comedy is about connecting with people, sharing a laugh, and having fun. So keep writing, keep performing, and keep finding the funny in everyday life.

Experience Montreal Stand-Up Comedy

At Comedyville, we understand the dedication it takes to perfect the craft of comedy writing. That’s why we’re proud to host some of the best Montreal stand-up comedy shows, where you can see both seasoned professionals and rising stars in action. When you attend a show with us, you’re not just witnessing great comedy; you might be seeing the next big name in Montreal comedy take the stage. Join us and be part of the laughter, the cheers, and the unforgettable moments that make Montreal stand-up such a vibrant and essential part of the comedy scene.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.


FAQs – Crafting a Joke: Mastering the Art and Science of Comedy Writing

1. How do I find my comedic voice? Finding your comedic voice is all about experimenting. Try out different styles, topics, and deliveries until you find what feels most natural. Your voice is a reflection of your personality, so be authentic—audiences connect with what feels real.

2. What should I do if a joke doesn’t land? If a joke doesn’t land, don’t sweat it. Use it as a chance to learn. Think about what might have gone wrong—timing, wording, audience? Then tweak it and try again. Comedy is all about trial and error.

3. How can I incorporate my personal experiences into my comedy? Your personal experiences are a goldmine for comedy. Focus on the parts of your life that others can relate to—those universal truths—and build your jokes around them. The more personal your humor, the more it will resonate with your audience.

4. Is it better to write jokes alone or with others? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Writing alone lets you dig deep into your own thoughts while collaborating with others can spark new ideas. Many comedians do both—write alone, then test their material with others.

5. How can I improve my timing in joke delivery? Improving your timing is all about practice. Perform as much as you can, pay attention to how audiences react, and be willing to tweak your delivery. Timing is a skill that develops with experience, so keep at it.

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The Last Laugh: Montreal’s Comedy Scene Post-Just For Laughs Tue, 12 Mar 2024 20:47:09 +0000 Montreal, a city once pulsating with laughter and renowned for its world-class comedy, now faces an unexpected silence following the closure of the iconic Montreal Just For Laughs festival.

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Montreal, a city once pulsating with laughter and renowned for its world-class comedy, now faces an unexpected silence following the closure of the iconic Montreal Just For Laughs festival. For over three decades, this festival has been synonymous with humour, drawing comedy enthusiasts from every corner of the globe to the heart of Quebec. Its abrupt closure leaves a noticeable void in the city’s cultural landscape but also presents an opportunity for new laughter to reverberate through its streets and comedy clubs.

The Closure Announcement: An Unexpected Turn of Events

The news of Just For Laughs’ closure came as a shock to many, signalling the end of an era in Montreal’s entertainment landscape. The 2024 edition of the festival was cancelled as the Montreal-based company behind it sought creditor protection under Canada’s Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The announcement cited the organization’s “very difficult financial situation” exacerbated by the challenges posed by the global pandemic and subsequent inflationary pressures. As a result, the festival, which had been a staple of Montreal’s summer calendar since its founding in 1983, was put on indefinite hiatus.

The Impact of a Global Pandemic

The grip of the pandemic spared no industry, and comedy was no exception. Social distancing measures resulted in empty seats, dealing a severe blow to a festival that thrived on the energy of live audiences. Despite valiant efforts to adapt, the financial strain proved insurmountable, ultimately leading to the heartbreaking decision by the overseeing company to close the festival’s doors.

The Impact on Montreal’s Comedy Community

The closure of MTL Just For Laughs sent ripples throughout Montreal’s comedy community, affecting not only established comedians but also up-and-coming talents hoping to showcase their skills on an international stage. Comedians who had previously graced the festival’s stages expressed their disappointment, highlighting the festival’s significance as a platform for both local and international comedic talent. For many, Montreal Just For Laughs was more than just a festival; it was a symbol of Montreal’s vibrant cultural scene and a source of inspiration for comedians worldwide.

Montreal’s Comedy Scene Today

With the departure of Just For Laughs, many are left wondering about the future of comedy in Montreal. However, the city’s comedic spirit remains resilient. Comedy clubs like The MTL Comedy Club and Comedyville continue to nurture local talent, providing a platform for the laughter that defines Montreal.

Comedyville: Open for Business

As the final curtain falls on Just For Laughs, a spotlight shines on Comedyville. Nestled in the heart of Ville-Marie inside Montreal’s iconic Gare Centrale (Central Station), this club stands as a testament to the perseverance of Montreal’s comedy scene. With a lineup featuring familiar faces and fresh talent, Comedyville comedy club welcomes all who believe in the healing power of laughter.

Just For Laughs Montreal – A Legacy of Laughter

Just For Laughs wasn’t just a festival; it was a tradition deeply ingrained in the fabric of Montreal’s identity. Every summer, the downtown area transformed into a vibrant hub of humour, where emerging talents and seasoned veterans shared the stage. The festival served as a launching pad for countless comedians who have since become household names, solidifying Montreal’s status as the comedy capital of the world.

Looking Towards the Future

Despite the sombre mood surrounding Just For Laughs’ closure, there is hope on the horizon for Montreal’s comedy scene. Comedy clubs and venues across the city continue hosting live performances, providing comedians with opportunities to connect with audiences and share their unique brand of humour. While the absence of Just For Laughs may leave a void in Montreal’s entertainment calendar, it also opens up new possibilities for innovation and creativity within the city’s comedy community.

In the wake of Just For Laughs’ closure, Montrealers are coming together to support local comedians and ensure that the city’s comedic legacy lives on. Whether it’s attending a stand-up show at a neighbourhood comedy club or participating in improv workshops, there are countless ways for residents to show their appreciation for Montreal’s rich comedic heritage. As the city looks towards the future, one thing is certain: the laughter will continue to echo through the streets of Montreal for years to come.

Just For Laughs Montreal – Conclusion

In conclusion, while we bid adieu to Just For Laughs, we embrace the future with a smile. Comedyville invites you to join us, where the spirit of Montreal’s comedy lives on. Let’s keep the laughter going because the comedy show must go on in Montreal.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.


FAQs – Montreal Just for Laughs

1. What are the most popular comedy clubs in Montreal now?

Post-Just For Laughs Montreal, the city’s comedy scene has seen a revival with clubs like The MTL Comedy Club and Comedyville leading the charge. These venues have become beacons of laughter, showcasing both established comedians and fresh faces eager to make their mark.

2. How can I discover new comedians in Montreal?

Discovering new comedians in Montreal is easier than ever, thanks to the vibrant local comedy clubs that have stepped up in the wake of Just For Laughs Montreal. Venues like Comedyville and MTL Comedy Club not only host regular stand-up nights but also feature a variety of comedy acts, from open mic nights to pro/am shows, providing a platform for up-and-coming talent.

3. Are there any comedy festivals in Montreal post-Montreal Just For Laughs?

While the closure of Just For Laughs marked the end of an era, Montreal’s comedy scene remains resilient, with new festivals and comedy events emerging to fill the void. These events aim to continue the legacy of celebrating comedic talent in the city, offering both local and international comedians a stage to perform.

4. How has the pandemic affected comedy in Montreal?

The pandemic significantly impacted Montreal’s comedy scene, with social distancing measures leading to empty venues and a challenging environment for live performances. However, the comedy community in Montreal showed remarkable resilience, adapting through virtual shows and smaller, socially-distanced events, ensuring the laughter never ceased.

5. What makes Montreal’s comedy scene unique?

Montreal’s comedy scene is unique due to its rich history of fostering comedic talent and its bilingual nature, which adds a diverse and inclusive dimension to its humour. The legacy of Just For Laughs Montreal has instilled a deep appreciation for comedy in the city’s culture, making it a nurturing ground for comedians to experiment, grow, and connect with an audience that truly values the art of laughter.

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Top 5 Unique Bachelor Party Ideas in Montreal Sun, 10 Mar 2024 23:47:52 +0000 Whether you're a local or planning a destination celebration, Montreal rolls out the red carpet for grooms-to-be and their entourage. In this guide, we'll explore the top 5 unique bachelor party ideas in Montreal.

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Montreal, with its vibrant nightlife, rich culture, and stunning scenery, offers an unparalleled setting for an unforgettable bachelor party. Whether you’re a local or planning a destination celebration, Montreal rolls out the red carpet for grooms-to-be and their entourage. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 5 unique bachelor party ideas in Montreal, ensuring your celebration is nothing short of extraordinary.

1. Experience the Thrill of the Circuit

For the adrenaline junkies, nothing beats the excitement of go-karting on a professional track. Montreal is home to world-class racing circuits that offer group packages, making it a perfect start for your bachelor party. Montreal’s high-speed tracks are not just about racing; they provide a complete experience with simulations, workshops, and even a chance to race under the stars. This idea not only fuels the competitive spirit among friends but also creates lasting memories.

2. Embark on a Culinary Adventure

Montreal is renowned for its culinary scene, making it a foodie’s paradise. For a bachelor party in Montreal, consider booking a private dining experience or a food tour that takes you through the city’s gastronomic highlights. From poutine to fine dining, the city’s diverse cuisine will cater to every palate. A culinary adventure can be a sophisticated and indulgent way to celebrate, allowing the party to bond over the love of food.

3. Take to the Skies with a Helicopter Tour

For a truly unique Montreal bachelor party ideas, why not see the city from a new perspective? A helicopter tour offers breathtaking views of the cityscape, the St. Lawrence River, and the surrounding areas. It’s an exhilarating experience that adds a touch of luxury and adventure to your celebration. Packages can include champagne flights, making it a classy way to kick off the festivities.

4. Discover Montreal’s Nightlife

No bachelor party in Montreal would be complete without diving into the city’s legendary nightlife. From upscale clubs to intimate bars, Montreal caters to every taste and style. For a unique twist, consider a pub crawl on wheels with a party bike or a guided tour of the city’s best speakeasies. This idea not only ensures a safe and organized night out but also introduces the party to hidden gems across the city.

5. Relax and Recharge at a Nordic Spa

After a night of celebration, a day at one of Montreal’s Nordic spas can be the perfect way to unwind and rejuvenate. These spas offer a serene escape with thermal baths, saunas, and relaxation areas, all set against the backdrop of Montreal’s natural beauty. It’s a chance for the bachelor party to relax, recharge, and reflect on the upcoming wedding in a peaceful setting.

Making It Memorable With Montreal Bachelor Party Ideas

Planning a bachelor party in Montreal is about creating experiences that are tailored to the groom’s interests and preferences. Whether it’s the thrill of racing, the pleasure of gastronomy, the awe of aerial views, the excitement of the nightlife, or the tranquility of a spa day, Montreal offers a diverse array of options to ensure the celebration is memorable.

When organizing a bachelor party in Montreal, consider incorporating local culture and traditions to enrich the experience. Montreal is a city with a heart, a place where every corner has a story, and every experience is infused with a unique charm. Embrace this spirit, and your bachelor party will be talked about for years to come.


Montreal stands out as a premier destination for bachelor parties, offering a blend of adventure, luxury, and relaxation. The city’s unique offerings ensure that every bachelor party is not just a celebration but an unforgettable journey. From the rush of the racetrack to the flavors of its cuisine, the panoramic views from above to the vibrant pulse of its nightlife, and the serene embrace of its spas, Montreal welcomes all with open arms. So, when planning your Montreal bachelor party ideas, consider these unique ideas to make the most of what Montreal has to offer, creating a celebration that epitomizes the joy and excitement of the occasion.

For an additional memorable experience, consider attending a comedy show at Comedyville. Laughter is a universal language, and what better way to bond and create lasting memories than sharing a laugh with your closest friends? Comedyville offers a variety of shows that cater to different tastes, ensuring a fun-filled evening that will be a highlight of your bachelor party in Montreal. Why not contact us today for more info?

Remember, a bachelor party in Montreal is more than just a last hurrah; it’s an opportunity to create lasting memories with friends, celebrate the groom’s upcoming nuptials, and experience the best of what this incredible city has to offer.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.

FAQs – Montreal Bachelor Party Ideas

1. What’s the best time of year to plan a bachelor party in Montreal?

The best time to plan a bachelor party in Montreal is during the summer months, from June to August. This period offers the most favorable weather conditions, allowing you to explore the city comfortably and enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities. The city is vibrant with festivals, outdoor dining, and nightlife during these months. However, if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option or wish to enjoy winter sports, consider planning your party in the winter months, from December to February.

2. Are there any group discounts available for these activities?

Yes, many activities in Montreal offer group discounts, especially for events like bachelor parties. It’s always a good idea to inquire directly with the service providers about any available group rates. Activities such as go-karting, culinary tours, helicopter tours, and spa visits often have special rates for larger groups. Booking as a group not only saves money but also helps ensure that your party can stay together and enjoy the experience as a cohesive unit.

3. How far in advance should we book these experiences?

It’s recommended to book these experiences at least 2-3 months in advance, especially if you’re planning your bachelor party during the peak season in summer. Some popular activities and venues can get booked up quickly, so early planning ensures you secure your preferred dates and times. For activities that require less planning, such as pub crawls, a few weeks’ notice might suffice. However, for anything involving reservations, the earlier you book, the better.

4. Can these activities accommodate large groups?

Most activities mentioned can accommodate large groups, but it’s important to confirm with each provider. Activities like go-karting, culinary adventures, helicopter tours, and visits to Nordic spas usually have the capacity to host larger parties. However, the exact number of participants each can accommodate may vary, so it’s crucial to discuss your group size when making inquiries or reservations.

5. What are some tips for planning a bachelor party on a budget in Montreal?

  • Book in Advance: Early bookings can secure better rates for flights, accommodations, and activities.
  • Travel Off-Peak: Consider planning your party during the shoulder season (spring or fall) when prices are lower, and the city is less crowded.
  • Group Discounts: Always ask for group discounts or special packages for bachelor parties.
  • Accommodation: Look into renting an apartment or house through services like Airbnb, which can be more cost-effective for large groups than booking individual hotel rooms.
  • Free Activities: Incorporate free or low-cost activities, such as exploring Montreal’s historic sites, parks, and street festivals.
  • Public Transportation: Utilize Montreal’s efficient public transportation system to save on transportation costs.
  • Food and Drink: Consider dining at local bistros or markets instead of high-end restaurants, and pre-game at your accommodation to save on drinks.

By following these tips and planning carefully, you can create an unforgettable bachelor party experience in Montreal that suits your budget and preferences.

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Ultimate Guide to Spring Break in Montreal: Top Things to Do Mon, 04 Mar 2024 22:54:54 +0000 In Montreal the clash of seasons brings out a unique charm, spring break is an adventure of its own. From the cobblestone streets of the Old Port to the bustling nightlife that never seems to acknowledge the cold.

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Ah, spring break in Montreal—a time when the city’s weather can’t decide if it’s ready to welcome tulips or insists on one last snowball fight. Imagine stepping out of your hotel, suitcase in hand, ready for a ski adventure, only to find the locals sipping coffee in shorts on a sun-drenched terrace. Or, picture yourself packing nothing but light jackets and sunglasses, then waking up to a winter wonderland that’s decided to make a grand, albeit late, entrance. Yes, Montreal’s spring break is as unpredictable as a plot twist in a French-Canadian soap opera, but that’s exactly what makes Montreal spring break activities thrilling!

Embracing Montreal’s Spring Break: A City of Unpredictable Delights

In this vibrant city, where the clash of seasons brings out a unique charm, spring break is an adventure of its own. From the cobblestone streets of the Old Port to the bustling nightlife that never seems to acknowledge the cold, Montreal is a place where every spring break story begins with “You won’t believe what happened…” So, whether you’re here to embrace the chill or chase the sun, Montreal promises an unforgettable spring break filled with laughter, surprises, and perhaps a little bit of maple syrup on snow. Let’s dive into the heart of Montreal’s spring break and discover why this city is the ultimate destination for those looking to make the most out of this unpredictable season.

Indoor Fun vs. Outdoor Adventure

Do you stick to indoor only or mix it up? Following many years of testing out my Montreal March break week planning, here is what I have learned:

Spring break offers a unique opportunity for both indoor and outdoor activities in Montreal. You already did the outdoor skating, sliding and Montreal winter festivals during the holiday break. You’ve been to the movies on a cold day and maybe you have gone ice fishing. If you are from out of town and the weather is still cold, you can try out some of these chilly activities and experience the city’s winter charm.

For the Indoor Enthusiasts

Essentially, Montreal March break is all about the indoor fun. You will get plenty of fresh air walking from your parking spot to each location… I promise.

Exploring the Old Port

For out of townies, and as part of the Montreal spring break activities, visiting the old port during the daytime is number one on your hit list. There you’ll be able to try out the famous Labyrinthe, a maze of twists and turns filled with surprises at every corner. The Montreal Science Museum also awaits with its interactive exhibits that are as educational as they are entertaining. And if the weather permits, the outdoor entertainment in this area can be a delightful cherry on top of your day.

Relaxation and Pampering

Lunch in the old port is nearly half price compare to the dinner services in most restaurants so you can save to splurge on dinner and a show in the evening. If you like to get pampered, Treat yourself to a unique relaxation experience on the Bota Bota, a boat spa anchored in the Old Port, offering stunning views of the city skyline. For those who prefer solid ground, Spa Nordique is an excellent alternative for unwinding.

Dinner and a Show

Dinner and a comedy show after a long day of activities rates number one on this list and there are daily options to choose from. The Comedyville comedy club offers a variety of shows in the city on weekly basis at a very affordable price. Don’t stress about dinner, because all the shows take place in locations offering great dinner options. Let yourself be entertained and fuel up, because tomorrow is going to be another busy day on your March break Montreal tour.

A Note for Locals

For locals, I’ll take this random moment sandwiched in between the fun stuff to remind you to set aside a day or two for your spring-break spring-cleaning and get those summer garage sale items tucked aside. Or you can just forget about it and go for a tour at the Montreal Casino.

Keeping Active in Montreal

For sporty groups, you can keep in shape. You can do so while touring the city by renting a BIXI bike to get your to all your stops along the way.

Shopping and Dining in Montreal

Shop until you drop guys and gals; visit the Montreal Eaton center on a cold day and taste test some of Montreal’s best restaurants at the gourmet cafeteria featuring Creole, Indian, Italian and other international cuisines. You can mix and match and visit the wine bar and ask the savvy bar tech what best suits your meal choices. On a warmer day, hit up Sainte-Catherine between Atwater and Peel to go at it one by one boutique style. Don’t be alarmed by the “bonjour-hi”, no it’s not a foreign language. It means hi in French and hi in an English. After all, it’s a special greeting you will only hear in Quebec. Ask your local Montreal comedians and they will be more than happy to chat with you about it – it is a Montreal comedy favourite topic.

Final Thoughts About Montreal Spring Break Activities

Above all, if you pay close attention, you’ll notice the city teeming with young tourists. This might make you wonder where all the Montrealers have gone. You can visit them at Mont-Tremblant and Saint-Sauveur if you want to venture out for a drive up north of the city. They will be back for the weekend, to enjoy the booming Montreal nightlife before spring break is over.


Post by Gracie Mable, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.

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Discover Famous Comedy Clubs Around the World Sat, 10 Feb 2024 23:25:24 +0000 Let's take a tour of some of these legendary venues, exploring their unique stories and the famous performers who have graced their stages. Let's discover famous comedy clubs around the world.

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The world of stand-up comedy is rich with history. Much of it has unfolded in some iconic comedy clubs around the globe. These clubs have not only been stages for laughter but also the launching pads for many comedians who have become household names. Let’s take a tour of some of these legendary venues, exploring their unique stories and the famous performers who have graced their stages. Let’s discover famous comedy clubs around the world.

1. The Comedy Cellar – New York City

Nestled in the heart of Greenwich Village, The Comedy Cellar, known for its iconic brick wall backdrop, is a cornerstone of New York City’s comedy scene. Opened in 1982, this club has been a proving ground for comedians looking to make it big. It’s one of the most famous comedy clubs in New York. Legends like Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, and Jon Stewart have all performed here. They often drop-in unannounced to test new material. The club’s intimate setting creates an unparalleled atmosphere where comedians and audiences connect in a shared experience of laughter.

2. The Comedy Store – Los Angeles

On the West Coast, The Comedy Store in LA boasts a history as colourful as Hollywood itself. Founded in 1972 by Sammy Shore and later run by Mitzi Shore, this club became the breeding ground for a new generation of comedians. It’s one of the most famous comedy clubs in LA. It’s where names like Robin Williams, Richard Pryor, and Ellen DeGeneres honed their craft. The Comedy Store is known for its uncensored approach, giving comedians free rein to push boundaries and experiment with their art.

3. The Second City – Chicago

The Second City in Chicago, famous for its improv comedy, has been a significant force in the comedy world since its inception in 1959. This famous Chicago comedy club is the birthplace of sketch comedy and has produced stars like Bill Murray, Tina Fey, and Steve Carell. The club’s focus on improvisational comedy sets it apart, offering a unique platform for comedians to spontaneously create and collaborate, making every show a one-of-a-kind experience.

4. The Stand Comedy Club – Edinburgh

Across the pond, The Stand Comedy Club in Edinburgh has been a key player in the UK comedy scene since 1995. Known for its cozy ambiance and supportive audience, The Stand is a favourite among comedians and comedy lovers alike. It has been a launching pad for British comedians like Frankie Boyle and Kevin Bridges and is a staple venue during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the world’s largest arts festival.

5. Yuk Yuk’s – Toronto

In Canada, Yuk Yuk’s stands out as a premier comedy club. Founded in 1976 in Toronto by Mark Breslin, it has expanded across the country, but its flagship location remains a must-visit. Yuk Yuk’s has a reputation for nurturing local talent and has been instrumental in the careers of comedians like Jim Carrey and Russell Peters. The club’s commitment to showcasing a mix of established and up-and-coming comedians ensures a diverse and dynamic comedy experience.

6. The Comedy Store – London, UK

The Comedy Store in London, a beacon in the British comedy scene, mirrors its Los Angeles namesake in prestige. Since 1979, it has been at the forefront of the UK’s alternative comedy movement. It has launched the careers of British icons like Eddie Izzard and Russell Brand. Known for its no-holds-barred performances, The Comedy Store London offers a blend of seasoned and emerging comedians, making it a landmark for comedy aficionados.

7. The Classic Comedy Club – Auckland, New Zealand

The Classic Comedy Club in Auckland is New Zealand’s premier spot for comedy. It offers a unique blend of local and international acts since 1997. Its vibrant atmosphere and diverse lineup make it a hub for discovering new comedic talent and enjoying established performers. Therefore, solidifying its place as a cornerstone of the Australasian comedy circuit.

8. Quatsch Comedy Club – Berlin, Germany

Quatsch Comedy Club, established in 1992 by Thomas Hermanns, is a highlight of Berlin’s comedy landscape. Known for its vibrant atmosphere, the club features a mix of local and international comedians. Quatsch is particularly notable for its English nights, offering performances in English that attract a diverse audience. The club showcases a variety of comedic styles, from traditional stand-up to experimental acts. Thus, making it a vital platform for both up-and-coming and established comedy talents in Germany.

And there you have it – a tour of some of the most iconic comedy clubs around the globe. These comedy clubs, each with its unique history and character, have played a pivotal role in the evolution of stand-up comedy. They’ve been more than just entertainment venues. They’ve been cultural landmarks where comedians have pushed the boundaries of humour and audiences have revelled in the joy of laughter. Whether you’re a comedy aficionado or a casual fan, a visit to these iconic clubs is a journey through the heart of the comedy world.

Montreal Comedy Shows

At Comedyville, we pride ourselves on offering some of the best live comedy shows in Montreal. By joining us, you’re not just enjoying a night of entertainment. You’re potentially witnessing the rise of the next big star in comedy. Who knows, maybe one of the future comedy legends is currently honing their craft on a stage near you – perhaps even at Comedyville. So, come and be part of the laughter, the cheers, and the unforgettable moments that define the world of Montreal stand-up comedy.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.

The post Discover Famous Comedy Clubs Around the World appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

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The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Montreal Bachelor Party Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:57:58 +0000 Whether you’re the best man, the groom, or part of the wolf pack, this guide, brimming with Montreal Bachelor Party ideas, will ensure your celebration is epic, unique, and perfectly tailored to the groom’s taste.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Montreal Bachelor Party appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

Congratulations! You’re about to embark on an unforgettable journey—the ultimate Montreal Bachelor Party. Whether you’re the best man, the groom, or part of the wolf pack, this guide, brimming with Montreal Bachelor Party ideas, will ensure your celebration is epic, unique, and perfectly tailored to the groom’s taste.

Why Montreal for Your Bachelor Party?

Montreal, with its European charm and North American flair, is the ideal destination for a Bachelor Party in Montreal. Here’s why this city stands out for your celebration:

  • Vibrant Nightlife: Montreal’s nightlife scene is legendary, offering everything from trendy clubs to hidden speakeasies. It’s a city that comes alive after dark, promising unforgettable nights out.
  • Cultural Fusion: The seamless blend of French and English cultures creates a captivating atmosphere. Historic Old Montreal’s cobblestone streets lead to charming bistros and art galleries, offering a rich cultural tapestry.
  • Gastronomic Delights: A haven for foodies, Montreal boasts an array of culinary experiences. From iconic poutine joints to upscale restaurants, the city is a gastronomic delight.

Montreal Bachelor Party Ideas: Crafting the Ultimate Itinerary

Planning a Bachelor Party in Montreal involves curating a mix of activities that cater to the groom’s interests and ensuring everyone has a blast. Here are some top Montreal Bachelor Party ideas to include in your itinerary:

  • Escape Games: Dive into adventure with themed escape rooms, where you’ll solve puzzles and crack codes. It’s a thrilling way to challenge your crew’s wits and teamwork.
  • Indoor Driving Ranges: Golf enthusiasts will love Montreal’s indoor driving ranges, offering a year-round golfing experience. Compete with your buddies to see who can hit the longest shot.
  • White Water Rafting: For the adrenaline junkies, white water rafting down the Lachine Rapids is a must-do (roughly from May to October). It’s an exhilarating experience that will bond the group.
  • Go-Karting: For those who thrive on adrenaline rushes, the thrill of racing go-karts on a professional circuit is unmatched. Montreal boasts top-tier racing tracks that provide group deals, setting the stage for an unforgettable bachelor party kickoff.
  • Comedy Club Night: Laughter is essential at a bachelor party. Montreal’s premier comedy clubs, such as Comedyville, promise a night of belly laughs with top-notch stand-up acts and hilarious improv shows.

Where to Stay: Bachelor Pad Edition

Choosing the right accommodations is crucial for a Montreal Bachelor Party. Consider these options:

  • Boutique Hotels: For a personalized and intimate experience, boutique hotels in Old Montreal or the Plateau are perfect. They offer unique decor and attentive service.
  • Luxury Suites: To add a touch of luxury to the celebration, opt for a suite overlooking the city. Amenities like rooftop pools and spa treatments will surely impress.

Dining and Drinks: Satisfy Your Cravings

No Montreal Bachelor Party is complete without indulging in the city’s culinary delights:

  • Poutine Quest: Embark on a quest to find the best poutine in the city. This iconic dish is a must-try for any visitor.
  • Craft Beer Tours: Explore Montreal’s vibrant craft beer scene with guided brewery tours. It’s a great way to sample local brews and learn about the brewing process.
  • Late-Night Eats: After a night of partying, satisfy your hunger with a visit to a 24-hour diner. Whether it’s smoked meat sandwiches or classic poutine, you’re in for a treat.

The Grand Finale: Nightlife Extravaganza

Montreal’s nightlife is the highlight of any Bachelor Party in Montreal. From clubbing on Boulevard Saint-Laurent to discovering hidden speakeasies, the city offers a diverse nightlife scene that caters to all tastes.

Conclusion: A Celebration to Remember

A Montreal Bachelor Party is more than just a celebration; it’s an unforgettable experience that will be talked about for years to come. From the vibrant nightlife to the unique activities and culinary delights, Montreal offers everything you need for the ultimate bachelor party. And remember, if you’re looking to organize a Montreal bachelor comedy shows, Comedyville is the place to be. So raise your glass, toast to friendship, and let the good times roll!

FAQ – Bachelor Party Montreal

1. What’s the best time of year to plan a Montreal Bachelor Party?

The best time to plan a bachelor party in Montreal largely depends on what you want to do. Summer (June to August) is ideal for enjoying the city’s vibrant festivals, outdoor activities, and lively patios. However, if you’re looking for winter sports or prefer a snowy backdrop, December to February would be perfect. Spring and fall offer milder weather and fewer crowds, making them great choices for those looking for a balance between activities and relaxation.

2. Are there activities for non-drinkers in Montreal?

Absolutely! Montreal is a city that caters to all tastes and interests. Non-drinkers can enjoy a variety of activities such as escape rooms, indoor driving ranges, white water rafting, comedy clubs, exploring art galleries and museums, biking or walking tours around the city, and indulging in the culinary scene with coffee shop crawls or food tours.

3. How far in advance should we book accommodations for a Bachelor Party in Montreal?

It’s recommended to book accommodations at least 3 to 6 months in advance, especially if you’re planning to visit during peak seasons like summer or during major festivals. This will ensure you have a wider selection of options and possibly better rates. For last-minute plans, consider looking into boutique hotels or Airbnb for availability, but be prepared for higher prices or limited choices.

4. Can you recommend any specific boutique hotels or luxury suites for a Montreal Bachelor Party?

Montreal has a plethora of boutique hotels and luxury suites to choose from. Some popular boutique hotel options include Hotel Nelligan and Le Petit Hotel in Old Montreal, known for their charm and proximity to local attractions. For luxury suites, the Ritz-Carlton Montreal and Hotel Le Crystal offer upscale accommodations with top-notch amenities like rooftop pools and spa services, providing a lavish experience for your celebration.

5. Aside from poutine, what are some must-try foods in Montreal?

Montreal’s culinary scene is rich and diverse, offering more than just its famous poutine. Must-try foods include Montreal-style bagels from iconic spots like St-Viateur Bagel or Fairmount Bagel, smoked meat sandwiches from Schwartz’s Deli, Rotisserie from Côte St-Luc BBQ, and the city’s unique take on pizza. For those with a sweet tooth, maple syrup treats and pastries from local bakeries are a must. Additionally, exploring the city’s diverse neighborhoods can lead to discovering a wide range of international cuisines, from authentic French bistros to bustling Asian eateries.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Montreal Bachelor Party appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

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Top 5 Stand-Up Comedy Tips: How to Crush Your Next Performance Mon, 08 Jan 2024 16:33:17 +0000 Whether you're a budding comic or a seasoned pro, mastering the art of stand-up comedy is no small feat. Today, Here are five hilarious tips that will improve your next stand-up comedy routine.

The post Top 5 Stand-Up Comedy Tips: How to Crush Your Next Performance appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

As someone who has been in the comedy industry for over a decade, I’ve seen my fair share of stand-up comedy routines. Whether you’re a budding comic or a seasoned pro, mastering the art of stand-up comedy is no small feat. Today, I’m here to share five hilarious tips that will not only improve your stand-up comedy skills but also ensure your next set is an absolute hit. Let’s dive into these 5 stand-up comedy tips, tricks, and advice that are sure to leave your audience in stitches!

1. Embrace the Unexpected: The Power of Improvisation

One of the best stand-up comedy tips for beginners and veterans alike is to embrace improvisation. The ability to think on your feet and react to the unexpected can turn a good set into a great one. Whether it’s a heckler in the crowd or a joke that doesn’t land as expected, use these moments to showcase your quick wit and turn potential setbacks into comedic gold. It’s crucial, however, to tread carefully – the aim is to entertain, not offend. Strive to playfully involve your audience, making them a part of the humour in a light-hearted way, without resorting to put-downs. This approach not only keeps the atmosphere enjoyable but also ensures that every audience member leaves with a positive impression of your performance.”

2. Relatable Content: Connecting with Your Audience

The key to resonating with your audience lies in the relatability of your material. Tips for writing stand-up comedy often emphasize the importance of drawing from personal experiences and everyday life. Share stories and observations that your audience can see themselves in. This approach not only makes your set more engaging but also leaves a lasting impression. Observing and incorporating the nuances of daily life not only adds authenticity to your performance but also builds a bridge of familiarity and understanding with your audience. This connection not only makes your set more enjoyable but also more memorable.

3. The Art of Timing: Knowing When to Deliver

Timing is everything in stand-up comedy. It’s not just about the punchline, but also about the pause before it. Mastering the art of timing can elevate your performance significantly. Practice your set, paying close attention to the rhythm and flow of your jokes. Sometimes, a well-timed pause can make all the difference. This skill involves more than just practice; it requires a keen sense of observation and the ability to read the room. Adjusting the pacing of your delivery to match the audience’s energy can transform a good joke into an unforgettable moment. Remember, in comedy, the silence between your words can be just as impactful as the words themselves.

4. Experiment with Different Styles and Formats

Stand-up comedy is an art form with endless possibilities. Don’t be afraid to explore a variety of styles and formats in your creative journey. Whether it’s storytelling, one-liners, or observational comedy, trying out various approaches can help you find your unique voice. This experimentation can also keep your routine fresh and exciting for your audience. Each style offers a new perspective, allowing you to connect with your audience in different ways. By blending these approaches, you can create a dynamic and versatile performance that not only showcases your range but also keeps your audience captivated and eagerly anticipating what you’ll come up with next.

5. Engage with Your Audience: The Secret Ingredient

Engagement is the secret ingredient to a successful stand-up set. Interacting with your audience, whether through direct conversation or by reading their reactions, can create a dynamic and lively atmosphere. This engagement not only makes your performance more enjoyable but also helps you tailor your content in real time to suit the mood of the room. This level of engagement also fosters a sense of connection and intimacy, making your audience feel like an integral part of the show, rather than just passive spectators. It’s this interactive element that often distinguishes a good stand-up routine from a great one, as it demonstrates not just your skill as a comedian, but your ability to create a moment of genuine connection and entertainment.

In conclusion, these stand-up comedy tips and tricks are designed to help you refine your craft and deliver a performance that’s both hilarious and memorable. Remember, the journey to becoming a great stand-up comic is a continuous learning process. Embrace each opportunity to perform, learn from your experiences, and most importantly, have fun with it. Your passion and enjoyment are contagious, and they’re what will ultimately make your stand-up set a smashing success. Keep these tips in mind, hit the stage with confidence, and get ready to crush your next stand-up set!

Montreal Comedy Shows at Comedyville

How have these tips influenced your approach to comedy? Are you ready to take your stand-up to the next level at venues like Comedyville? Whether you’re a seasoned comedian or just starting, we’d love to hear about your experiences with stand-up comedy. Share your journey and let us know how these tips have shaped your performances. And remember, if you’re looking to watch some fantastic comedy, Comedyville is the place to be. Let’s continue to celebrate and grow in the ever-evolving, laughter-filled world of stand-up comedy.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal.

The post Top 5 Stand-Up Comedy Tips: How to Crush Your Next Performance appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

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Top 10 Comedy Movies of the 2010s Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:45:43 +0000 Hey There, Movie Buffs! Let's take a stroll down memory lane and revisit the 2010s – a decade that, in our opinion, really upped the game in the comedy genre.

The post Top 10 Comedy Movies of the 2010s appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

Hey There, Movie Buffs! Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and revisit the 2010s – a decade that, in our opinion, really upped the game in the comedy genre. We’ve spent countless nights, popcorn in hand, losing ourselves in these films, and we’re excited to share our top picks with you. So, sit back, relax, and let’s relive the laughter together with top comedy movies of the 2010s!

1. “The Grand Budapest Hotel” (2014) – Directed by Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson’s “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is more than a movie; it’s a vibrant tapestry of humour, style, and storytelling. The film’s visual splendour, coupled with its quirky characters, makes for a delightful cinematic experience. Ralph Fiennes as Gustave H, the concierge, is a treat to watch. His adventures and misadventures, set against a backdrop of a changing Europe, are both hilarious and poignant. Anderson’s unique storytelling style shines through every frame, making this film a must-watch for anyone who loves their comedy served with a side of artistic flair.


2. “Bridesmaids” (2011) – Directed by Paul Feig

“Bridesmaids,” directed by Paul Feig, is a game-changer in the world of female-led comedies. Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo’s script is a perfect blend of humour, chaos, and genuine emotion. The film explores the complexities of female friendships, life’s unexpected turns, and, of course, the hilarity of wedding preparations gone awry. Melissa McCarthy’s performance is a standout, bringing both laughter and depth to her character. “Bridesmaids” is a film that proves comedy can be both uproariously funny and deeply human.

3. “Jojo Rabbit” (2019) – Directed by Taika Waititi

Taika Waititi’s “Jojo Rabbit” is a daring and heartfelt satire set in Nazi Germany. The film, through the eyes of a young boy and his imaginary friend Hitler (played brilliantly by Waititi himself), manages to tackle the absurdity of hate with humour and grace. It’s a rare film that makes you laugh at the ridiculousness of its premise while simultaneously hitting you with the harsh realities of war and indoctrination. The balance of humour and drama is masterfully handled, making “Jojo Rabbit” a standout film of the decade.

4. “Deadpool” (2016) – Directed by Tim Miller

“Deadpool,” directed by Tim Miller and starring Ryan Reynolds, is a superhero movie for people who are tired of superhero movies. It’s irreverent, self-aware, and breaks just about every rule in the book. Reynolds delivers each line with a perfect mix of sarcasm and charm, making Deadpool a character you can’t help but love. The film’s approach to storytelling, breaking the fourth wall, and its action-packed sequences make it a refreshing take on the genre. “Deadpool” is a wild ride from start to finish and a breath of fresh air in the superhero landscape.

5. “The Nice Guys” (2016) – Directed by Shane Black

Shane Black’s “The Nice Guys” takes us back to the 1970s with a buddy comedy that’s as funny as it is thrilling. Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling are an unlikely pair – one a gruff enforcer, the other a bumbling private eye. Their chemistry is off the charts, making every scene they share a joy to watch. The film’s blend of mystery, action, and comedy, along with its retro setting, gives it a unique charm. “The Nice Guys” is a reminder of how entertaining a well-crafted buddy comedy can be.

6. “Lady Bird” (2017) – Directed by Greta Gerwig

Greta Gerwig’s “Lady Bird” is a beautifully crafted coming-of-age story that resonates with anyone who’s ever been a teenager. Saoirse Ronan’s portrayal of the rebellious and passionate Lady Bird is both authentic and endearing. The film captures the essence of adolescence, the struggle for identity, and the complexities of mother-daughter relationships with humour and heart. Gerwig’s direction is sensitive and insightful, making “Lady Bird” a standout film that’s both funny and profoundly moving.

7. “The Disaster Artist” (2017) – Directed by James Franco

“The Disaster Artist,” directed by and starring James Franco, is a hilarious and somewhat surreal look at the making of Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room.” Franco’s portrayal of Wiseau is spot-on, capturing the bizarre and enigmatic nature of the man behind one of the most infamous films in cinema history. The film is a fascinating exploration of ambition, friendship, and the fine line between genius and madness. It’s a testament to the power of dreams, no matter how outlandish they may seem.

8. “Booksmart” (2019) – Directed by Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut, “Booksmart,” is a fresh and funny take on the high school comedy genre. It’s a film that celebrates intelligence and friendship in a way that’s both entertaining and empowering. The story of two overachieving friends determined to experience one night of fun before graduation is filled with memorable moments and witty dialogue. “Booksmart” is a smart, hilarious, and heartfelt film that proves you can be both a nerd and the life of the party.

9. “The Big Sick” (2017) – Directed by Michael Showalter

“The Big Sick,” written by Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon, is a heartwarming and humorous look at love, culture, and the challenges of interracial relationships. Based on the real-life romance of its writers, the film is a delightful mix of comedy and drama. Nanjiani’s performance is both funny and sincere, making the film’s exploration of cultural differences and family expectations deeply relatable. “The Big Sick” is a charming and insightful film that’s as much about love as it is about understanding.

10. “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) – Directed by Taika Waititi

Taika Waititi’s take on “Thor: Ragnarok” is a colourful, humorous, and action-packed adventure. Chris Hemsworth’s Thor is more fun and relatable than ever, and the addition of characters like the Grandmaster (played by the ever-entertaining Jeff Goldblum) only adds to the film’s charm. Waititi’s direction brings a much-needed lightness to the Thor series, blending superhero action with a sense of fun and irreverence. “Thor: Ragnarok” is a visual feast and a testament to how enjoyable superhero movies can be when they don’t take themselves too seriously.

And That’s a Wrap! ENJOY Watching the Top 10 Comedy Movies of the 2010s

There you have it – our personal favourites from a decade that knew how to tickle our funny bones. The top comedy movies of the 2010s. These films aren’t just about laughs; they’re about stories that resonate, characters that stay with you, and moments that remind us not to take life too seriously. What are your favourites top comedy movies of the 2010s? Drop a comment and let’s chat about the movies that had us rolling in the aisles!

Montreal Stand-Up Comedy Shows at the Comedyville

After diving into the world of laughter with our top 10 comedy movies of the decade, why not experience the electric atmosphere of live comedy? Right here in Montreal, Comedyville is your go-to spot for an unforgettable night of humor and fun. Our stage is a vibrant showcase of the city’s finest comedic talents – the kind of place where stars are born and laughter never ends.

Imagine being in the audience, feeling the energy of live performances, and sharing laughs with fellow comedy enthusiasts. At Comedyville, every show is a unique adventure, a chance to witness the raw, unfiltered brilliance of comedians who might just be the next big names in comedy. Picture yourself sipping a drink, surrounded by the buzz of anticipation, and then erupting into laughter as the show unfolds.

Join us at Comedyville for an experience that goes beyond the screen. Here, in the heart of Montreal, comedy is not just watched – it’s lived. Be part of the laughter, the cheers, and the unforgettable moments. Who knows, you might just catch a performance by someone who’ll be headlining their own blockbuster comedy in the years to come!


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal. 

The post Top 10 Comedy Movies of the 2010s appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

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Dave Chappelle’s ‘The Closer’ Review: Boundary-Pushing Comedy Fri, 29 Dec 2023 23:38:03 +0000 This review delves into Chappelle's provocative special "The Closer," offering insights for comedy aficionados and Montreal's diverse audience of stand-up enthusiasts.

The post Dave Chappelle’s ‘The Closer’ Review: Boundary-Pushing Comedy appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

“Dave Chappelle: The Closer” – A Bold Stand-Up Special That Redefines Comedy Boundaries

Montreal, a city renowned for its vibrant comedy scene, has always been a hub for groundbreaking stand-up performances. In this spirit, Dave Chappelle’s 2021 special, “The Closer,” emerges as a must-watch for anyone who appreciates comedy that pushes boundaries and sparks conversation. This review delves into Chappelle’s provocative special, offering insights for comedy aficionados and Montreal’s diverse audience of stand-up enthusiasts.

Chappelle’s Mastery of the Stage in Detroit

Dave Chappelle’s return to the spotlight in “The Closer” reaffirms his status as a titan of fearless comedy. Filmed with a live audience in Detroit, the special showcases Chappelle’s unparalleled blend of sharp wit and bold, controversial commentary. For Montrealers who relish a night out at comedy clubs like The Comedyville or Just For Laughs, Chappelle’s performance, characterized by a raw and unfiltered audacity, captivates and challenges the audience. His style resonates deeply with those who appreciate the transformative power of stand-up comedy. Chappelle commands the stage with a presence that is both commanding and nuanced, drawing viewers into a world where humour and truth collide with remarkable impact. This special not only entertains but also pushes the boundaries of conventional comedy, reflecting Chappelle’s unique ability to navigate complex social narratives with a masterful touch.

Tackling Controversy with Humor: A Deep Dive

In “The Closer,” Dave Chappelle boldly confronts sensitive topics like gender identity and racial issues. It showcases his unique ability to blend provocative humour with deep societal insights. His unapologetic approach, reminiscent of the bold comedy culture thriving in Montreal, is interwoven with personal anecdotes. Thus making complex themes accessible and relatable. Chappelle’s narrative skillfully navigates these controversial waters, striking a balance between the seriousness of the subjects and the comedic relief, a hallmark of his seasoned comedy. This style not only entertains but also prompts profound reflection. It tends to resonate with audiences who appreciate humour that challenges and provokes thought.

Reflecting on Modern Society Through Comedy

“The Closer” distinguishes itself through its incisive reflection on contemporary issues. Dave Chappelle, much like the comedians at Montreal’s annual comedy festivals, skillfully uses humour as a lens to examine and critique societal norms. He is capable of weaving his commentary through the fabric of current events and cultural shifts. His approach, though often controversial, catalyzes deeper thought and discussion among viewers. Chappelle doesn’t shy away from sensitive topics; instead, he confronts them head-on, challenging audiences to consider different perspectives. This aspect of “The Closer” resonates with an intellectually curious audience. Particularly those who seek comedy beyond mere entertainment to provoke thought and stimulate dialogue. Chappelle’s ability to intertwine humour with social commentary not only entertains but also enlightens, making “The Closer” a standout special that reflects the complexities and nuances of modern society.

The Art of Storytelling in Stand-Up

Dave Chappelle’s storytelling prowess in “The Closer” is nothing short of masterful, a true highlight of his stand-up special. His ability to connect with the audience, akin to the intimate settings of Montreal’s comedy clubs, transcends the typical comedian-audience dynamic. Thus creating a deeply personal and immersive experience. Each story, whether it’s a light-hearted anecdote or a profound reflection, is delivered with a cadence and timing that only a seasoned comedian like Chappelle can execute. He has a unique way of blending humour with narrative. He has the ability to turn each joke into a story and each story into a shared experience. His tales are not just sequences of events but are imbued with emotions and insights, often leaving the audience both laughing and pondering. The way he pauses for emphasis, modulates his tone, and punctuates his sentences, all contribute to the rhythm of his storytelling. Thus making every moment captivating. This skillful delivery, combined with his authentic and often unfiltered content, allows Chappelle to form a genuine connection with his audience. Therefore, making “The Closer” an unforgettable experience in the art of stand-up comedy.

The Role of Humor in Fostering Dialogue

A pivotal aspect of “The Closer” is its exploration of how humour can be a powerful tool for fostering meaningful dialogue. Dave Chappelle masterfully demonstrates that comedy is more than just entertainment; it’s a conduit for conversation and reflection. In “The Closer,” he uses humour not just to elicit laughs but to spark discussions on complex and often divisive topics. This approach resonates strongly in environments where comedy is intertwined with social commentary. Chappelle’s special encourages viewers to absorb the content and actively engage with it. It prompts discussions that extend beyond the confines of the performance. His ability to blend humour with critical commentary invites audiences to confront challenging ideas and engage in dialogues that are crucial in today’s society. This aspect of Chappelle’s comedy is particularly impactful. It turns the act of watching a comedy special into an opportunity for personal and collective reflection. Thus encouraging viewers to consider different perspectives and engage in meaningful conversations.

The Lasting Impact of ‘The Closer’

After watching “The Closer,” one cannot help but feel a mix of emotions. Chappelle’s special, much like a night at Montreal’s Just For Laughs Festival, leaves an indelible mark on its audience. It stirs a complex blend of emotions that linger long after the final credits roll. Dave Chappelle’s masterful performance weaves together laughter, deep contemplation, and an undeniable sense of discomfort. It mirrors the multifaceted nature of life itself. This special does more than just entertain. It invites viewers into a reflective journey. It challenges preconceived notions and sparking conversations that extend far beyond the realm of comedy. Chappelle’s ability to provoke thought and evoke a wide range of emotions is a testament to his prowess as a comedian and a storyteller. “The Closer” is not just a comedy special; it’s a cultural touchstone that resonates with its audience. It encourages a deeper exploration of the themes it presents.

“The Closer” is a testament to Dave Chappelle’s standing as one of the most influential comedians of our time. For comedy lovers in Montreal, from the regulars at local stand-up nights to visitors exploring the city’s rich comedy culture, this special is a compelling watch. It embodies the essence of what makes stand-up a powerful art form – the ability to entertain, provoke, and reflect.



None Stop Laughter at Comedyville

As Montreal continues to celebrate its diverse and dynamic comedy scene, specials like “The Closer” remind us of the power of stand-up to connect and challenge. Have you watched “The Closer”? What are your thoughts on Chappelle’s approach to comedy? Share your experiences of Montreal’s comedy scene and how it compares to Chappelle’s bold style.

Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal. 

The post Dave Chappelle’s ‘The Closer’ Review: Boundary-Pushing Comedy appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

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Seinfeld: The Journey Through the Most Watched TV Show of its Era Fri, 03 Nov 2023 17:13:34 +0000 In the golden age of television, there has been a remarkable show that stands out in the crowded landscape - "Seinfeld", the brainchild of the legendary Jerry Seinfeld.

The post Seinfeld: The Journey Through the Most Watched TV Show of its Era appeared first on Comedy Club in Montreal - Comedyville.

In the golden age of television, there has been a remarkable show that stands out in the crowded landscape – “Seinfeld”, the brainchild of the legendary Jerry Seinfeld. This famous TV show has carved out a special place in the hearts of viewers around the globe, often being dubbed the best TV show during its prolific run. Whether you are a long-time fan or someone looking to delve into this best sitcom, join us as we unravel the captivating journey of the Seinfeld TV show, a show that redefined humour and became a cultural phenomenon.

The Genius Behind the Creation of the Seinfeld TV Show

Who is the genius behind Seinfeld?

The genius behind the creation of the most-watched TV show, “Seinfeld”, is none other than the comedian Jerry Seinfeld himself, along with Larry David. Their impeccable writing and creative insight set the groundwork for this groundbreaking TV show.

The Setting and Filming Location

What city is the Seinfeld TV show supposed to be in?

The Seinfeld TV show is set in the bustling and vibrant city of New York, providing a realistic backdrop that many viewers can relate to.

What city was Seinfeld filmed in?

Despite being set in New York City, most of the interior scenes of this famous TV show were filmed on a soundstage at CBS Studio Center in Studio City, Los Angeles.

Is the diner on Seinfeld real?

Yes, the diner featured in “Seinfeld” is real and is known as Tom’s Restaurant, located in Manhattan, New York. Its exterior became one of the most recognizable facades in television history.

What comedy club is in the Seinfeld show?

The comedy club featured frequently in the show where Jerry Seinfeld performs his stand-up routines is the iconic Comedy Cellar, a real venue located in New York City.

Character Insights and Developments

How old was Elaine at the end of the Seinfeld TV show?

At the end of “Seinfeld”, the character Elaine Benes, portrayed by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, was around 39 years old, considering the character was introduced as 29 years old at the beginning of the series in 1990.

Did Elaine get pregnant during Seinfeld?

In the Seinfeld TV show, Elaine did not get pregnant. However, the actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus was pregnant during the filming of the series, which was cleverly concealed using props and clothing.

Was Elaine in the Seinfeld pilot?

No, Elaine was not in the original pilot episode of Seinfeld TV show. Her character was introduced later, becoming a central figure from the second episode onwards.

Is George Costanza based on a real person?

Yes, the character George Costanza, played by Jason Alexander, is largely based on co-creator Larry David. Many of George’s experiences and storylines on the show are drawn from David’s own life.

Why did they change Kramer’s name?

In the initial episodes, the character was named Kessler to avoid any potential issues with Larry David’s real-life neighbour, Kenny Kramer. However, they later decided to change the name to Kramer, embracing the real inspiration behind the character.

Why did they add Newman to the Seinfeld TV show?

Newman was introduced to “Seinfeld” as a recurring character to add a layer of complexity and a touch of antagonism to the already popular series. His presence not only brought in additional humour and rivalry but also served to further develop Jerry Seinfeld’s character through their interactions.

Behind the Scenes and Aftermath

Who refused to hug Seinfeld?

During an episode of the documentary series “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee”, Kesha approached Jerry Seinfeld and asked for a hug, which he declined, not recognizing who she was.

What happened to Kramer after Seinfeld?

After “Seinfeld”, Michael Richards, who played Kramer, had a few roles in television and film but largely stepped back from acting. His career faced a significant setback following a controversy during a stand-up comedy performance in 2006.

Is everyone from the Seinfeld TV show still friends?

From various interviews and appearances, it seems that the main cast of Seinfeld maintains a friendly relationship, often sharing fond memories of their time working together on the best sitcom of its era.

Critical Reception and Legacy

Which Seinfeld episode was banned?

An episode titled “The Puerto Rican Day” was initially banned due to the controversy surrounding its portrayal of Puerto Ricans. It was perceived as offensive, resulting in its temporary removal from syndication.

Why did fans hate the Seinfeld TV show finale?

The finale of Seinfeld was polarizing because it brought back many characters from previous episodes to testify against the main characters in a trial. Many fans felt that this ending was too cynical and did not provide a satisfying closure to the series.

How long did Seinfeld go to jail for?

In the series finale, Jerry Seinfeld and his friends were sentenced to one year in jail. This was as a result of violating the Good Samaritan Law.

Comparisons and End of an Era

Are Friends or Seinfeld more successful?

Both “Friends” and “Seinfeld” enjoyed tremendous success during their runs and continue to have a massive following. However, in terms of critical acclaim and cultural impact, many consider “Seinfeld” to be more successful. The show is often dubbed as the best TV show of its era.

What was Seinfeld going to be called?

Initially, the show was going to be called “Stand Up” and “The Seinfeld Chronicles” before ultimately settling on the succinct and now iconic title, “Seinfeld”.

Why did NBC cancel Seinfeld?

NBC didn’t cancel “Seinfeld”; rather, Jerry Seinfeld decided to end the show while it was still on top. He wanted to conclude on a high note and preserve its legacy.

Popularity and Fan Perspectives

Who is the most successful actor from the Seinfeld TV show?

Each of the main actors from “Seinfeld” found considerable success after the show. Jerry Seinfeld, the star, became particularly successful. He was able to amass significant wealth and fame through his stand-up comedy and various other ventures post-“Seinfeld”.

Who was the least favourite Seinfeld character?

The ‘least favourite’ character can be subjective as it varies from person to person. However, some fans found characters like Newman, played by Wayne Knight, to be less endearing compared to the main cast.

Who is the most loved character on the Seinfeld TV show?

The title of the ‘most loved’ character in this best sitcom often fluctuates between Jerry, the level-headed comedian, and Kramer, the quirky neighbour. Their distinct personalities have endeared them to generations of fans.

As we conclude our journey through “Seinfeld,” we can’t deny its impact. This show has etched itself into TV history. Above all, Jerry Seinfeld and his co-stars created characters and stories that we still hold dear. Their stories have resonated with audiences even years after the show’s conclusion. Their work cemented the show as the ’90s pinnacle. New York City provided the bustling backdrop. Iconic dialogues from the show still resonate with us. Today, “Seinfeld” stands as a beacon of sitcom excellence.

As the curtains close on our Seinfeld saga, the chuckles don’t have to end. After all, the laughter lives on in Montreal’s comedy clubs and, of course, in every episode of “Seinfeld” which continues to be a go-to for a dose of comfort and comedy. Above all, next time you’re in need of a good laugh, remember that the same timeless humour you loved in “Seinfeld” is waiting to welcome you. Whether it’s at the world-renowned stages of Just for Laughs or in the warm, inviting glow of your living room TV. Carry the mirthful legacy of “Seinfeld” with you, and let it remind you to always find the funny in the fabric of everyday life.


Post by Eddie Case, exclusively for, All rights reserved.
Comedyville is a Comedy Club located in Downtown Montreal. 

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